Claudia Heinermann, Michal Iwanowski and Indrė Šerpytytė ‘‘Post-War Stories’’
Published by: Lithuanian Photographers’ Association Kaunas Department in conjunction with the exhibition at the Kaunas Photography Gallery, 2014
Designer: Tom Mrazauskas
Curator: Ieva Meilutė-Svinkūnienė
Translation: Julija Vasilenko-Maskvytė
Colour separations: Raimundas Austinskas
Paper: Peyprint Gerippt 270 g/m2, Scandia 2000 Smooth Natural 115 g/m2 and Cyclus Offset 70 g/m2
Pages: 88
Size: 24.3 x 30.9 cm
Binding: Softcover
Printed by Petro Ofsetas